No Black Pete List

23 Sep


Zwarte Koning en Koningin Mooie Zwarte Liefde Magic Melanine afbeelding 1


Start off in 2011

After hearing on the radio how a mother told of her son and other protesters against the ‘Santa Claus and black pete’ idiocy were getting not pestered, but assaulted and arrested by the police, I decided to throw in some weight. Continue reading

Poor Weaker White Pete

30 Jan

ilya-kisaradov-ether-9Poor weak white Weekers. The Dutch secretary of Finance got treated like black pete even without his blackface on. He thought he could get away with it, but he was sent packing. Do not feel sorry for this white bouler. He was not feeling sorry for all the people getting in trouble over not receiving their “housing benefit” this year. He did what his “just business” mentors had taught him to do: blame the proles for being the proles.

If only he had checked to see that more white pete depend on the benefits than Black people. White pete showing to be very unwilling to let the ‘black pete war’ distract from the white hands digging further into their pockets. Poor greedy white boulers. Continue reading

Black Pete Shows Us How Dysfunctional White Pete Is

29 Mar

anna-gillespie-nature-art-sculptures-acorns-beechnut-casings-bronze-2Most of us still have passive and aggressive behaviors as a reaction to a system of racism. Black people are treated like the ugly stepchildren the white system made us into, and we have developed childlike behaviors to deal with their ‘children party’.

We do not have Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome, because we are still enslaved. Our behaviors show us that we have Present Traumatic Slavery Syndrome. And those behaviors are being enforced by the white society we are commanded to be part of.

It should be clear that we need our own rites to access the maturity that has been denied to us. Give Christianity back to the jhws, and give them a promised island they cannot get off. So we can focus on our real story before we even consider having mercy on them.

White pete is trying to look good while they heap their burdens on us. Let them carry their own burdens,and see how fast they descent back into their Dark Ages. Continue reading

Black Pete – Indoctrination And Racism Sprinkled With Sugar

18 Nov

As if it is not bad enough that they flaunt their racism in my face, I am forced to take a detour. City council thinks that the Santa Claus and black pete (Sinterklaas en zwarte piet) travesty is important enough to detour traffic. I found it difficult to control my anger when I saw all those children being led to partake in the celebration of slavery. The children do not care, because they get paid with candy. They were led by their parents to get their fix. Like little dogs reacting to a bell. Good doggie.

It is no use getting mad at those innocent chilluns. I heard parents asking their critters if they were able to get enough candy from zwarte piet. I did not wait to hear the answer. Continue reading

Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution

1 Dec

Article 1
All persons in the Netherlands shall be treated equally in equal circumstances. Discrimination on the grounds of religion, belief, political opinion, race or sex or on other grounds whatsoever shall not be permitted.

Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution stands for equality before the law and the prohibition of race discrimination. However, when it comes to Sinterklaas en zwarte piet (Santa Claus and black pete) the Dutch act as if article 1 only applies to the white Dutch. They consider their blatant exhibition of racism in the form of their blackfaced white petes – and thus ridiculing Black people as a whole – as their constitutional right, instead of a violation of other people’s human rights. Especially the Black Dutch from the former Caribbean colonies are not entitled to equality before the law nor can they successfully claim protection against race discrimination. Continue reading